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Project Management Question Bank
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The project CPI is 1.02, the benefit cost ratio is 1.7 and the latest round of performance reviews identified few needed adjustments. The project team was co-located into a new building when the project started. Everyone commented on how excited they were to have all new facilities. The sponsor is providing adequate support for the project and few unidentified risks have occurred In an attempt to improve performance, the project manager spends part of the project budget on new chairs for the team members and adds the term “senior” to each team member’s job title. Which of the following is the MOST correct thing that can be said of this project or the project manager?
  1. The project manager has misunderstood Herzberg’s theory
  2. The project is slowly spending more money than it should. The project manager should begin to watch cost more carefully
  3. The performance review should be handled better to find more adjustments
  4. The project manager should use good judgment to determine which variances are important.

Q2. Which of the following BEST describes when additional risk responses are documented?

  1. When you are in the Plan Risk Management process
  2. When an unknown risk occurs
  3. When the impact of a known risk event is more significant than expected
  4. When a risk due to happen multiple times on a project does not occur the first time it is expected.
Correct Answer

Q3. The MOST common source of conflict on projects is:

  1. Personality
  2. Cost
  3. Priorities
  4. Schedules
Correct Answer

Q4. All of the following are forms of power derived from the project manager's position EXCEPT:

  1. Formal.
  2. Reward.
  3. Penalty.
  4. Expert.
Correct Answer

Q5. The cost contingency reserve should be:

  1. Hidden to prevent management from disallowing the reserve.
  2. Added to each activity to provide the customer with a shorter critical path.
  3. Maintained by management to cover cost overruns.
  4. Added to the base costs of the project to account for risks
Correct Answer

Q6. Based on the chart, what is the float of activity B?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 0
Correct Answer

Q7. During project planning, you estimate the time needed for each activity and then add the estimates to create the project estimate. You commit to completing the project by this date. What is wrong with this scenario?

  1. The team did not create the estimate and estimating takes too long using that method
  2. The team did not create the estimate and a network diagram was not used.
  3. The estimate is too long and should be created by management
  4. The project estimate should be the same as the customer’s required completion date
Correct Answer

Q8. There are a number of risks that have been identified in your project. The team has decided not to change the project plan to deal with the risks, but they have established a contingency reserve of money in the event something triggers these risks. This is an example of what type of risk mitigation technique?

  1. Contingent Response Strategy
  2. Active acceptance
  3. Passive acceptance
  4. Avoidance
Correct Answer

Q9. You are analyzing a particular task with your team members to determine if the task should be done by your team, or if it should be contracted out to a contractor. Which process is this?

  1. Conduct procurement
  2. Plan cost management
  3. Plan human resource
  4. Plan procurement
Correct Answer

Q10. The management theory that all people can direct their own effort is:

  1. Theory Y
  2. Herzberg’s theory
  3. Maslow’s hierarchy
  4. Theory X
Correct Answer

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